Waste collection and street cleaning services

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Waste collection and street cleaning services

Waste collection and street cleaning services

Audeca provides comprehensive urban waste collection services, cleaning and road optimisation, as well as improvement works for beaches, banks and ports. It works together with its clients to define and achieve the objectives of each activity, always looking to satisfy them and to achieve excellence.

In order to do this, Audeca has an experienced, multidisciplinary technical team of recognised professionals who use the most innovative technological solutions in the market, which has enabled the company to increase its catalogue of services, making the most of synergies generated between them.

Activity in this area focusses on the following aspects:

  • Cleaning roads, including the collection and transport of remains to appropriate deposit points for all additional material.
  • Collection of urban waste, solid urban waste, packaging, furniture, pruning remains, batteries, including the loading and transport thereof to the authorised manager or dump.
  • For its works in banks, beaches and ports, in addition to cleaning roads and collecting its own rubbish from previous services, the company's activities include the in-depth cleaning of water masses at banks, beaches and ports.